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Keeping Your Health in Mind

We are an organisation with the core aim of promoting a positive mental health culture for individuals and organisations using a pre-emptive, proactive, and solution-based approach that builds resilience. We have an experienced and talented team who work across all aspects of Mental Health & Wellbeing 

Our Vision

To promote and advocate for positive Mental Health and Wellbeing for everyone, at each and every touch point opportunity.

We want to share an understanding what is meant by POSITIVE Mental Health; promoting positive Wellbeing using PREVENTION; building meaningful RELATIONSHIPS; and delete the taboo associated with needing support around Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Our Values

Civility – Enable – Compassionate – Integrity – Empower

Meet the team

Emma Lewis


Jo Hill

Accredited CBT Therapist, EMDR Therapist & CAT Practitioner

Kerry Elden

Child & Adolescent Psychotherapeutic Counsellor

Emma Clough

Trauma Informed Practitioner

Jamal Williamson

Music Mentor

Damien Light

Senior Mental Health Practitioner


Chloe Savage


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Anna Brunton

CBT Therapist

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Catherine French

Integrative Counsellor

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Wayne Stillwell

Psychodynamic Counsellor

Taylor WIllmore Pic

Taylor Willmore

Trainee Therapist

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Sandra Sadler

Senior Business Support


Wellbeing Dog

What do Clients
say about Us?

Emma Lewis


About Me

Emma is a Psychologist with experience in working directly with children, young people and their families as well as with vulnerable adults across general psychological issues and has a particular interest and expertise in Child Development and Trauma and how factors can impact individuals and those who are close to them.

She has extensive expertise within the Forensic and Criminal Justice Pathways, working closely with partners and key stakeholders to educate, advise and offer guidance to a variety of disciplines on how to get the best outcomes when working within a vulnerability model.

Her career has led to one of Leadership, empowering others to be the best they can be. She has held both clinical and operational senior roles, managing a range of statutory and voluntary teams within Local Authority Children’s Services; Therapeutic Services; Community Services; the Criminal Justice System; Children’s Charities and the NHS. Within all of these roles, her expertise as a Psychologist has ensured that her focus remains on people; on their past, present and future, in order that the support and interventions offered can be tailored to meet their needs.

Emma also has advanced proficiency in design, delivery and development of individual and group training packages, inclusive of Training Needs Analysis’ and working in collaboration with users and providers to meet identified needs. She has been part of service design in partnership with large organisations and whilst she has had lead responsibilities for Attachment, Child Protection, Professional Curiosity and Trauma Informed Practice, she has a plethora of topics in which she has competence. For example, Adults at Risk, Awareness of Challenges working with Parents, Child Sexual Exploitation, Disguised Compliance, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Safeguarding, Supervision Skills, Voice of the Child and Working with Disabled Children.

Emma is passionate about people and hopes that by working together, you will build a relationship that allows you to safely explore how to develop yourself and others for positive outcomes.


Jo Hill

(BSc, MSc, PGCert, PGDip)

Accredited CBT Therapist, EMDR Therapist & CAT Practitioner

About Me

Jo is accredited by BABCP and PSA as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT), CBT supervisor and Cognitive Analytic Practitioner under ACAT with many years’ experience of providing therapeutic interventions for mental health difficulties. She has also achieved her qualification in EMDR.


Jo has spent a lot of her career working within primary care NHS and criminal justice settings, using these therapies to help treat depression and a range of anxiety disorders. Jo has completed extensive work with veterans, who have experienced trauma as a result of their time in service and continues to work therapeutically with this group.

Jo also has a special interest in working with expectant or new parents, who may be experiencing difficulties as a result of their pregnancy, birth or post-natal anxiety or low mood. Another key area of work is with those experiencing low self-esteem and feelings of anxiety and shyness in social situations.

Some people find they prefer individual therapy so they can discuss their difficulties privately, whereas others find they benefit from group sessions so they can hear others experiences and feel they are not alone in their difficulties. Jo has a comprehensive experience in delivering psychoeducation and group therapy sessions for a range of different presenting problems and areas of interest.

Kerry Elden

Child & Adolescent Psychotherapeutic Counsellor

About Me

Kerry is a qualified child and adolescent psychotherapeutic counsellor and has provided one to one therapeutic support to many children, young people and their families over the course of twenty plus years.

She has a particular interest in working directly with parents and their children where there has been trauma and children’s services involvement. Helping families understand the patterns of behaviours they have found themselves using to manage very stressful situations, but that are often no longer useful and instead disruptive in their lives, Kerry finds it incredibly rewarding to see families communicating and supporting each other by the time they have completed their work together.

Kerry also has attended training in Dyadic developmental psychotherapy, Theraplay and mentalization, which has given her a good understanding of how to work with children and their parents and brings together attachment theory, what we understand about developmental trauma, the neurobiology of trauma, attachment and caregiving, intersubjectivity theory and child development.

Kerry’s postgraduate diploma and master’s degree training in child and adolescent psychotherapeutic counselling specialised in the aims, processes and skills of working therapeutically with children and young people through an emphasis on working through play and with the arts. Other significant strands included child and adolescent development, clinical skills, professional issues, ethics and child safe-guarding, child mental health, developing children’s emotional well-being, including developmental trauma, working with children’s contexts, networks and families, multi-agency work, working in a school setting, fostering, adoption and working with groups.  The core theoretical model is integrative, relational, developmental, and eco-systemic, which means working in a way that brings together elements from different theories to make a coherent whole. Kerry has found this to be invaluable in enabling her to work with people in a more individualised way which matches to each child, young person and family’s needs rather than adhere to one particular theory or model.

Kerry has a passion for keeping families together wherever possible and helping children and young people feel heard and safe in order to process difficult experiences. She has provided training and skills sessions and consultations to professionals such as social workers, teachers, health care, as well as parents, in all aspects of trauma informed work, including domestic abuse, bereavement and loss, developmental trauma, attachment and psycho education.


Emma Clough

(MEd, BA (Hons), PGCE)

Trauma Informed Practitioner

About Me

Emma is a Psychologist who has significant experience of supporting psychological wellbeing for individuals and organisations, by developing and implementing strategies to deliver sustainable organisational aims through engagement with people and teams. She is passionate about supporting business owners to enable their employees to be able to do their best work.  She has worked with organisations to help them engage with their people successfully; developing innovative and creative solutions that motivate people in the organisation to achieve the organisations combined aims and objectives, and has delivered organisational growth, planning from inception, research based development and implement of highly effective, proven strategies. Building organisational resilience, employee engagement; future proofing with succession planning, outstanding people management. Emma enjoys working with individuals to develop resilience and build a personal toolkit of strategies to enable greater effectiveness in the workplace.

Emma is passionate about helping young people to achieve their best, in their education and wellbeing and is experienced at working with and supporting your people aged 2 -18 years, and their families with a broad range of needs and worries. She has developed innovative, creative and safe environments informed by Attachment Theory and Trauma Informed Practice, to support children and young people to express and learn about their emotions, to begin to co-regulate and develop skills in a calm and purposeful manner. Emma is interested in how curiosity, autonomy, resilience, motivation can support wellbeing in learning and life.

Jamal Williamson

Music Mentor

About Me

Inspire Through Music was founded by Jamal Williamson, a music mentor dedicated to using music as a means of empowering and inspiring people who have a passion for music and education.

The healing power of music is becoming more recognised worldwide and is being used in many spheres of society. Using music as therapy is said to reduce anxiety and the physical effects of stress, reduce depression, and helps to reduce symptoms of psychological disorders including schizophrenia.

Using music as therapy improves self-expression and communication, and having developed a passion for music during his younger years, Jamal recognises that music is a channel to reflect, express, and heal self and others. After teaching himself about the complexities of music, he decided to further his skills by studying music at higher level education, including courses such as music production, music management and music performance. Jamal has dedicated his career to providing people with the tools and resources they need to succeed. He has worked with a variety of educational institutions, referral units, and councils to bring music workshops and programmes to underserved communities and help adults, children and young people discover their own unique voices and talents.

Damien Light

Senior Mental health Practitioner

About Me

Damien is an experienced Mental Health & Wellbeing Practitioner working with vulnerable adults with moderate to severe mental health disorders, and with children, young people, and their families to assess need and risk and offering intervention packages to support their positive futures. His extensive experience stretches to a dedication to working in a way that enables good, trusting relationship building and a rapport that empowers others to be themselves in communicating with him. This is also true when working alongside stakeholders, partners and providers to ensure a true joined up approach.

Damien works from a client centred model, basing all he does around them, guided by them and from a place of working ‘with’ and not ‘doing to’. He works without judgement and is responsive to wellbeing and working at a pace that suits the client. Whilst he can work confidently in an autonomous way, he is a great team member who is able to actively listen and offer advice and guidance where needed. His constructive challenging skills help other to learn and develop in a safe and open way.

He is passionate about working with those who have drug & alcohol misuse in their past or present and his specialist knowledge means he can pass this on to the client in a genuine way and help other professionals to understand the impact that this might be having on the individual. He is also keen to continue to work with children, young people and families who are on the edge of care to advocate and mentor through crisis situations to build resilience, developing coping strategies and create an independence from services.

Damien’s personal experience with disability means he is eager to work alongside those who have a disability to breakdown taboo and stigma that is attached to this, building on self-confidence and feelings of self-worth. By aspiring others to flourish, Damien advocates for positive mental health and wellbeing for all.


Chloe Savage


About Me

Why I work in this area of wellness?

When asked about why I am an osteopath, I always say its because I saw an osteopath when I was doing my GCSEs. I went for headaches, he released the tension in my neck and this seemed to cure the problem. From that moment on, I was hooked on the idea of osteopathy. However, that’s how I got into osteopathy but now I stay in the field and work with wellness because of different reasons. I work in this field because I love what I do. The satisfaction of seeing someone walk out of my clinic room standing upright after they hobbled in, or hearing from exhausted parents that after their baby’s treatment, they slept for a good chunk of time, will never get old. But I also love educating and helping people understand their bodies: from exploring how certain aspects of their life can impact how they use their bodies, how they can improve their posture, or how we can reassure parents that their baby is normal, and if we assist with their baby’s feeding mechanics, this can improve pain on breastfeeding for Mum as well as potentially reduce the impact of wind/unsettledness as well. I strive to never underestimate the effect of being able to spend a decent amount of time, listening to and talking with people who are in pain. It’s something that unfortunately, the NHS just isn’t in a position to offer and I feel it’s a very privileged position to be in. This is why I love what I do and this is why I continue to work in the field of wellness. Going forward, I am always looking to improve my skills or explore how else I can help those I work with.

As osteopaths, we find your aches, pains and tensions and remove them, to allow you to function at your best.

You may (or may not) be aware that there are lots of different approaches to osteopathy, this tends to come down to a personal’s interest or experience in the work place. I graduated in 2015 and worked solely using massage and manipulations to help people be able to move better and reduce their pain. However I discovered paediatric osteopathy soon after and delved into this field. When treating babies and children, you can’t use the typical approaches you seen on YouTube (Insert clip of someone in an awkward position and multiple clicking joints later). Instead, you have to rely on alternative techniques which work on different tissues, enter: fascia. The fascial system is a system that has only recently been recognised. Fascia is a connective tissue that covers our entire body. We wouldn’t be able to stand up without it. It holds our organs in certain places and helps us to move. More and more, practitioners who work with fascia have reported the benefits of treating and releasing a person’s fascia and a releasing of emotions. Although not clinically proven, we are starting to see the benefits of a person’s mental wellbeing when fasica and deep rooted tension are built up in fascia, is released. If you’ve read “The body keeps the score” by Bessel Van De Kolk, you’ll know what I mean.

In my practice, I work with a vast range of patients and wouldn’t be lying if I said I always treated the fascia in each and every patient. This varies from treating the deep fascia within the torso to help with posture to releasing fascial tension in a baby’s neck from torticollis. The effects of working with fascia are tremendous and I feel we have only just scratched the surface of it’s potential.


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Anna Brunton


CBT Therapist

About Me

Anna is a BABCP accredited CBT therapist driven to support those experiencing mental health disorders. Anna has worked within the adult mental health sector for seven years, practicing as social worker prior to training as a therapist. She has a passion for working with individuals to improve their mental health and wellbeing.  

Anna has spent time working both within community settings and within the criminal justice system. She has implemented therapy protocols treating a variety of disorders from depression, PTSD and various anxiety disorders.

Anna has a special interest in working with those experiencing symptoms of OCD and finding ways to support people in adapting and developing new thinking patterns and behaviours to address this. She also enjoys working alongside those experiencing PTSD and using a trauma focused approach to help people overcome the difficulties faced when experiencing a trauma. Anna has widespread experience in providing therapy for those experiencing low mood and those facing anxiety around social interactions with others.

Anna is able to offer individual therapy sessions with an emphasis on building a strong therapeutic relationship to make a potentially difficult process easier. She is creative and adaptable within sessions so that any barriers an individual may face can be addressed, and hopefully, overcome. Anna has developed and implemented group sessions; which can be a great way for those who struggle with one on one sessions to still access therapy

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Catherine French

Integrative Counsellor

About Me

Catherine is a psychotherapeutic counsellor accredited with the UKCP who offers an integrative approach to her sessions. Catherine draws on a range of theories (Person Centred, Psychodynamic, CBT) whilst using the therapeutic relationship to explore, together with her clients, what it is that has brought them to therapy. Catherine is passionate about offering a holistic approach, giving her clients the opportunity to consider their thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and behaviours within aspects of their life that are causing difficulties, potentially highlighting unhelpful patterns and enabling them to view their difficulties through a different lens, this can open up the possibility for positive change.

Catherine is a trauma informed counsellor and has a keen interest in the neurobiology of the mind and body connection and how this affects us as human beings as we try to navigate today’s society, along with relationships with others as well as our relationships with ourselves too. For this reason, Catherine believes psycho education can be an important part of counselling for some clients and may invite creativity into her sessions.

Catherine has worked at Off the Record counselling service for the past 4 years as well as voluntary and paid positions at MAP Young People, Norfolk. Catherine has experience working with all genders as well as mixed ages, in both long, and short-term work on a range of presenting issues.

Catherine is passionate about offering a safe space for her clients to experience a relationship where clients are invited to explore their true selves without judgment.

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Wayne Stillwell

Psychodynamic Counsellor

About Me

Wayne is a qualified practitioner in Psychodynamic Counselling, and brings a depth of life experience and understanding to our team. Having worked for many years in management within the service sector and in high-end retail, he’s a people person with a wealth of communication and listening skills.

Wayne offers counselling within the psychodynamic modality, particularly focussed on the client’s individual background and needs, involving attentive active listening and assisting client self-examination, growth and fulfilment. Wayne says he is conscious that he is not a wise guru who can provide access to instant answers and solutions but sees his role as enabling clients to better understand themselves and discover their own path, within lives that are often nuanced and complex.

Wayne works with us in general practice, but having himself worked through anxiety, depression and grief, he is particularly motivated to help others with these struggles, and passionate about allowing clients the time and space to be authentic to themselves and their emotions.

Taylor Willmore

Trainee Therapist

About Me

Taylor is a trainee therapist at the final stages of completing a master’s degree in counselling and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. In working in mental health and social care over the past five years she has experience working with a range client groups and presentations. With foundational training in Psychodynamically, she is interested in how our early experiences shape who we are today, holding this at the forefront of the work whilst working in a CBT modality, focused on what we can do now to make positive changes in the best interest of the client.

Sandra Sadler

Senior Business Support

About Me

Sandra’s career in administration began when she joined leading pharmaceutical company Fisons as an office junior, working her way up to secretary to the Investments Department. After having a family, Sandra wanted to give something back to the community and became a volunteer on a local playgroup committee. 

Her interest in helping people continued when she worked for the charity Crossroads providing assistance for those caring for family members with varying conditions of mental and physical disabilities such as dementia, Parkinsons disease, stroke, cerebral palsy, autism etc.   Sandra set up packages of care to allow carers to have a well-deserved break from their responsibilities.  Sandra found this role very humbling, knowing what people were dealing with 24/7. 

Sandra then went on to work for Victim Support, aiding those who had been victims of crimes by allocating a volunteer who would offer support and help them gain the coping skills required to deal with the personal impact that ensues such incidents.    

An opportunity arose to work in the NHS mental health service in 2001.  Since that time Sandra has worked in the Secure Services care group as secretary, PA, deputy business support manager and senior management team administrator.  

With over 30 years working within the Mental Health arena, Sandra provides an essential part of Eudaemonia’s Business, supporting our clinicians and clients to ensure a seamless and stress-free experience.  


Wellbeing Dog

About Me

Hi there, I’m Lillie, the furriest member of Eudaemonia! My specialties include tail wags, belly rubs, and making humans smile. When I’m not busy being the best wellbeing dog around, you can find me napping in the sun, chasing my tail (I’m convinced it’s faster than me), or trying to sneak treats from the break room. My superpower? Turning ruff days into pawsome ones! Come by and say hello—I’ve got a wagging tail and a slobbery kiss just for you!