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How we can help

We pride ourselves in developing successful intervention partnerships that focus on delivering services in collaboration with key organisations. We are able to work in collaboration to identify gaps in service and deliver these as a partnering organisation. We aim to work together to reduce vulnerabilities, reduce risk to self and others, and increase resilience and motivation to change. 

The intervention partnership would work across low to high level vulnerabilities and complexities with those in need. For example, working within the Criminal Justice System to divert those in custody from further proceedings by identifying the driving factors for their behaviour and offer interventions to support long term change. This feeds in to reduce recidivism and victims of crime. 

This would also be effective in working within the Social and Health Care Systems, offering a therapeutic wrap-around service to vulnerable adults, children, young people and families. It could be that there are risks of family or placement breakdown, educational withdrawal or involvement in the Criminal Justice System and by offering an intervention service, this could be avoided. 

An example of this intervention would be to:

Identify gaps in service

Assess service users needs and vulnerabilities and feedback to organisation on a recommended plan of intervention

Design and deliver a bespoke plan of intervention that can be online and/or in person

Monitor, evaluate and review the success of the intervention

Feedback to the organisation on the completion of the intervention

If you want to work with us to improve positive outcomes for people, then please get in touch to discuss how we can do this together.