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How we can help

We want to make work better!

Employee Wellbeing has become a crucial part of the people agenda in recent years. As the world of work evolves, employee connect, engagement, wellbeing and psychologically safe cultures become ever more important – they have an impact on staff retention, attraction and development and are critical to organisational success. 


  • Poor Mental Health costs UK Employers £56 billion a year and over 35 million workdays are lost due to work-related ill-health every year. 
  • 8.2 million people have low productivity due to financial worries.
  • Absenteeism & reduced productivity costs the UK Economy £138 billion.
  • Sickness absence costs UK Employers about £692 per employee per year.
  • Work related stress costs the UK Economy £28 billion. 
  • 1 in 3 people are unhappy with work. 


Wellbeing is too often views as a soft issue or feel-good factor but we invest in wellbeing to support organisations recognise how they can proactively align their people and wellbeing priorities … because a thriving workplace begins with proactive efforts to support both employee wellbeing and experience. 

Our programmes aim to increase staff wellbeing and productivity, as well as reducing absences, and includes:


  • Emotional support & practical advice on issues that might be impacting wellbeing & performance.
  • Confidential assessments, counselling, therapies, referrals, and follow up services.
  • Consultation with managers and supervisors to address employee and organisational challenges and needs
  • active support for organisations to prevent and cope with workplace stress, trauma and other difficult situations.
  • Independent Whistleblowing Services.